Kecap Rice

Ketjap Rice

Here we are again with Snack Sunday!

What's on the menu today? Kecap rice with green beans! This dish is best when the chicken is marinated the day before. So start today and enjoy this delicious dish tomorrow.

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 400g Rice
  • 400g chicken breast
  • 320g Green beans
  • 4 Tablespoons Bumbu babi ketjap
  • 3 Tablespoons soy sauce asin

    Nutritional value (1 serving)

    • 417 Kcal
    • 36g Protein
    • 8g Fat
    • 49g Carbohydrates
    • 3g Fiber

      Preparation method

      1. Cut the chicken into cubes or strips. Marinate it with the bumbu and soy sauce and let it stand for 2 hours or preferably overnight.
      2. Bring 2 large pots of water to a boil. Also preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
      3. Meanwhile, slice all green beans on both sides.
      4. Take the chicken and put it in a baking dish with the marinade.
      5. Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
      6. Cook the rice for 10 minutes.
      7. The green beans should cook for 6-8 minutes.
      8. Make sure the rice and green beans are done at the same time.
      9. Divide the chicken, green beans and rice between 4 plates